World Tourism Organization -WTO, 2004
It is the balance between environmental, economic and socio-cultural aspects in the development of tourism to ensure its long-term sustainability.
Sustainable tourism development includes:
To make optimal use of environmental resources that are a fundamental element of tourism development, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural resources and biological diversity.
Respect the socio-cultural authenticity of the host communities, preserve their cultural heritage as a whole (architectural) and their traditional values, and contribute to intercultural understanding and tolerance.
To ensure viable long-term economic activities that provide well-distributed socio-cultural benefits to all stakeholders, including stable employment opportunities, income and social services for host communities, and contribute to poverty reduction.
Sustainability policy
of Explora Verde
Explora Verde, tourism agency, promotes among clients and suppliers the care of the environment, the care and good use of natural resources such as water, energy, fauna and flora. Explora Verde always works hand in hand with local communities, always trying to guide, educate and encourage the good use of resources and offer a fair and dignified payment for their services.
Our operations always reflect the proper use and minimization of single-use plastics, recycling, informing about the consequences of illegal extraction and trafficking of fauna and flora, promoting the conservation of resources and cultural heritage, and protecting children from any form of exploitation.
Our sustainability policies comply with creating commercial relationships between Explora Verde and Suppliers that are committed to adopting and applying sustainable measures in their operations, that comply with good environmental practices and that are in continuous improvement.
Sustainability objectives
Promote the reduction or non-use of single-use plastics.
To teach about the correct way to separate waste, recycle and always return with the garbage possibly generated.
Leave the place you visit better than you found it.
Walking or visiting places without leaving a trace.
Promote the correct disposal of final waste.
Promote the responsible use of water and energy.
Do not damage, extract or commercialize fauna and flora.
Environmental Responsibility Program
We have created since 2020 together with the Mountain and Rural Lodging Refugio Explora Verde, located between Choachí and Ubaque, Cundinamarca, the program "Plant a tree, Plant a Purpose", the mission is to plant each year more than 500 native trees, involving customers and workers who plant so possibly they will not enjoy their shade in life. This is how more than 1,000 native and fruit trees have been planted.
Generate awareness about:
● Reject and condemn all forms of exploitation and abuse of children and adolescents.
● Reject the illegal commercialization and trafficking of goods with historical and cultural value at the regional, national and global levels.
● Reject all forms of discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sexual preference, disability and any other establishment in the laws in force.
● Promote fair payment to communities, guides, suppliers and others involved in tourism services operations.
● Maintain direct employment conditions under fair and equitable conditions.
● Conduct training programs for the community that will generate employment opportunities.
● Promote the purchase and use of goods and services produced by local communities.
In accordance with the provisions of Law 679 of 2001, all persons must prevent, block, combat and report the exploitation, hosting, use, publication, dissemination of images, texts, documents, audiovisual files, improper use of global information networks, or the establishment of telematic links of any kind, related to pornographic material or material alluding to activities of sexual exploitation of minors.
Prevention policy against abuse, exploitation and sexual violence against children and adolescents.
In Explora Verde we are committed to the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse of minors, informing and disclosing to clients that art. 16 of Law 679 of 2001, for the protection of minors from sexual exploitation, applies. Additionally, for no reason, collaborators or suppliers may promote or offer tourist packages, sites, images, texts, advertising, video, or any other media where sexual activities with minors are shown.
CSEC: Any case of CSEC at www.teprotejo.org, or the following entities:
Telephone Bogotá: (571) 4377630 National Telephone: 01 8000 91 80 80 E-mail: atencionalciudadano@icbf.gov.co
National Police
National hotline: 018000 910 112 Emergency hotline: 123
Let's take care of our children, join the #OjosEnTodasPartes campaign.
For more information on the legislation in force, please visit: www.secretariasenado.gov.co
Denounce any case of commercialization and trafficking of wildlife species:
In Bogotá:
Secretaría Distrital de Ambiente Landlines: +601 3778899 Whatsapp: +57 3102213891 Email: atencionalciudadano@ambientebogota.gov.co
At the national level:
Ministry of Environment Tel: 01 8000 915 060 Email: fauna@secretariadeambiente.gov.co
Explora Verde makes the following recommendations to Customers, Suppliers and Employees
Save Energy. Turn off the light whenever you go out or when you are not going to use it.
Take care of the water sources, do not throw garbage or chemicals, plant trees whenever you can around them.
Practice ReDuce - ReUtilize - ReCicla
Use alternative and clean energy transportation such as bicycles or walk if you can.
Produce less waste, use cloth bags, paper bags, try to buy products that do not use so much plastic.
Do not use straws, use bottles to refill water.
Take care of Nature, sow whenever you can.
Recycle, separate waste and try to take advantage of it or give it to people who know how to do it.
Do not traffic animal species, plant species, or cultural property.
Perform friendly actions with the planet.
Do not generate noise pollution, do not bring music to nature, do not burn.
Do not throw away cigarette butts or glass that can generate fires, besides, they do not belong to nature.
Every time you visit a place, try to leave it better than you found it.
Practice tourism without leaving a trace.
May the only footprint you leave be that of your feet.