Departure on any date with a minimum of 2 prs (if you want to go alone, you must pay the 2 tourists fee).
***Tourism product with special mention by the ProColombia 2022 Tourism Awards in the Charming Regions Chaining category***.
The Gran Recorrido Andino, the ancestral roads of the Province of Oriente and the foothills of the Llanero Mountain Rangeuniting two regions, cultures, local initiatives and a lot of landscape through nature and community tourism.
The Gran Recorrido Andino is divided into three segments: Segment 1 From PARAMO TO PARAMO, Segment. 2 On the way to Meta through the Serranía del Dios de la Noche (God of the Night Mountain Range) (Chingaza in Muysca) y Segment 3 Through the Guatiquía Canyon, Water Mountains, Peace Trails.
FROM MOOR TO MOOR is traveled in 3 stages, crossing from Páramo de Cruz Verde to the Páramo de Chingaza. are 42 km. We will visit and walk through indigenous trails, sacred lagoons, frailejones forests, cloud forest, waterfalls, rural inns, different thermal floors. We will cross from the Paramo de Cruz Verde, down to the Rio Blanco Canyon and up to the Paramo de Chingaza. Ancestral PassportYou will be able to stamp it at different points of passage with representative icons of the places. At the end of the path you will become an Ancestral Walker.